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The publications on this site are authored by me and do not necessarily represent the opinions of my current or former employer, unless explicitly mentioned.

Hello, I am Carlo, a data scientist/software engineer (clearly in an identity crisis) who tries to balance the desire to apply the Go Horse process with the desire to detail the most superfluous mathematical aspects of machine learning models. Probably failing at both extremes.

In this blog, you will find technical discussions that I use to refer to myself (those who have worked with me know that at least once a week there will be an "I wrote about this on my blog"). In addition to more introductory topics, there are also some original discussions on small creative attempts I have made.

I currently work as a Software Engineer at Google. Previously, I worked at Itaú Unibanco and at Serasa Experian. To learn more about my professional and academic experiences, you can check my undergraduation transcript, my resume, and my profile on LinkedIn.

carlos lemo
this is me btw. if you even care

About the website look: The older illustrations on the blog are works by the talented Lucas Álamo. The layout is an adaptation of the Sleek theme.

$\oint$ Why Vitali Set?: I really appreciate Measure Theory (the basis of Probability). The Vitali set is the classic example used to motivate the formalization of these concepts: it is a set in $\mathbb{R}$ that does not allow for a measure to be defined when imposing some quite reasonable conditions.